2021 Year-end Report – Climate Emergency Mobilization Team

by Richard Rollins

As a team, we worked very hard during 2021. One of the motivating (and rewarding) aspects of this work was that it was recognized by the Grassroots Network. The award of a 2021 GN Grant enabled us to leverage our work (and resources) through volunteers in multiple locations throughout the country while continuing to develop resources that support activists everywhere.

Due, in part, to our support that was leveraged by GN Grant funds, Thurston County WA has a regional Climate Mitigation Plan, Southeast Iowa has a Strategic Conservation and Community Resilience Plan, leaders in several Sierra Club Groups have been introduced to our message of movement building, nearly 450 people from around world, including Germany, Italy, Bangladesh, and Canada (Alberta, British Columbia, Ontario), have access to our expert presentations and resources, and over 1450 social media followers are able to stay current with our work and with important climate actions that are taking place in communities around the country and world.

We also released three new Climate Basics videos, finished work on a new Local Climate Actions website, expanded our social media presence, and developed a digital newsletter platform that will allow quarterly newsletter publishing by mid-2022.

Please refer to our complete 2021 year-end report for more detail: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1QD79FYA8bRPPts4zV70XZY9QgcUe4w3hT3BNA2rptSs/edit?usp=sharing


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